
Healthy relationships yield results. Those who develop solid personal and professional identities build successful connections across all relationship dynamics!

Interwoven  provides support for Education, Non-profit, Faith, Private Sector and Public Service organizations.

The goal of Interwoven is to achieve successful participant outcomes, which are, in some instances, applied simultaneously. The approach includes, but is not limited to Seminars and Workshops, Individual Coaching Sessions, Plenary Sessions, Course Series, Program Development Consultation and Retreats.


Colleges and universities contribute to such a pivotal transition in human development for our country's young adult populations.  Administration, faculty, staff, and students all contribute to the ecosystem that is “college life.” At Interwoven, the goal is to support all parts of the college life eco-system in ways that yield graduates that contribute to the forward movement of society.


Non-profit / Faith Based

Non-profit entities are a critical part of the social and economic landscape. Whether rooted in human services or faith-based human development, the end goal is meet the needs of people. Interwoven is committed to the development and support of people who do the work to ensure that individual and collective needs are met.


Private Sector *

Corporate environments are often pegged as being driven by “the bottom line.” Interwoven recognizes that behind every bottom line, is a superior process, driven by exceptional people.  Interwoven specializes in helping staff to remain in touch with that exceptionalism, in order to yield desired outcomes from the front-line to executive leadership.

Public Service *

Public service entities are vital in developing and sustaining community at local, state,  and national levels. However, those services are only as effective as the community’s ability to gain access. Interwoven specializes in examining the internal function and external impact of public service providers.


* Organizations who have a direct relationship with the City of Greensboro will need to be appropriately vetted for conflicts of interest.


Every resource offered can be tailor-made, to reflect the uniqueness of those receiving services!

Interwoven Consulting is designed to provide services to address the following individual, interpersonal, and organizational needs:


Professional Development & Training

Personal Development/Coaching

Strategic Planning


Research and Assessment

Programmatic Development & Implementation
